Environmental protection

Protecting our environment is a guiding principle at GLS – and one that is brought to life by employees across Europe. In 2008, GLS launched its environmental initiative in order to coordinate and proactively foster the diverse array of activities within the GLS Group. The objective: responsible handling of resources, the reduction of emissions and the optimisation of waste disposal.

Climate Protect program

GLS Group has been actively seeking and implementing ways to reduce our environmental impact, as have our local transport partners. The aims are to use resources as efficiently as possible and to optimise processes. The main focus of our activities and the most significant impact on reducing our eco footprint has the transformation of our transport fleet to zero- and low-emission vehicles.

Environmental Officers are employed at all GLS national subsidiaries in Europe; it’s their job to ensure the implementation of Group-wide environmental protection measures.


Climate Protect measures

ecovadis silver

EcoVadis Certification

GLS Group’s sustainability efforts have been rewarded with the EcoVadis Silver Certificate. EcoVadis looks at a range of metrics under the categories: Environment, Sustainable Procurement, Ethics, Labour & Human Rights, rating companies against the highest possible standard. GLS Group’s environmental impact score of 90/100 puts the company among the 2% top-rated companies in the postal, courier and freight transport industry within the Environmental category. Overall, GLS is in the top 6% of companies in the postal, courier and freight transport industry assessed by EcoVadis.


GLS reports in detail on its current goals, activities and progress in economic, social, environmental and corporate matters.