
GLS Parcel Locker

Novo mesto joined other Slovenian cities that offer SameDay delivery to Parcel Locker

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Novo mesto joined other Slovenian cities that offer SameDay delivery to Parcel Locker

cod map

Poland joined Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania

GLS executives hold up ISO 9001 and 14001 recertification documents

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GLS executives hold up ISO 9001 and 14001 recertification documents

We are glad that the established international organization Icertias, based on the market research, awarded us a gold award!

GLS executives hold up ISO 9001 and 14001 recertification documents

The quality and environmental management system of the GLS Group has been recertified in Europe for another three years - in accordance with ISO 9001 and 14001.

GLS LKW on the highway

Parcel service providers have a crucial role to play in the coronavirus crisis by providing essential logistic services facilitating the flow of goods.

GLS electric parcel delivery van

Sustainability certification based on international standards: EcoVadis has rewarded GLS with the Silver rating for its commitment to corporate social responsibility.

GLS extends international returns service

The parcel service provider GLS expands the international returns shipment over the GLS ParcelShops by further four countries.

GLS Logo

With effect from 25 June James Rietkerk has stepped down as GLS Chief Executive Officer of the GLS Group.