Climate Protect

As a major player in the logistics industry, GLS Group is aware of its responsibility to the environment and society.

In 2008, we launched the ThinkGreen initiative, which focused on promoting green attitudes and solutions within the company. We are continuing these activities, but the GLS Group as a whole is going further and focuses on implementing measures to reduce carbon footprint. We have the ambition to reach zero emissions in 2045*. We launched the Climate Protect program, which is now an integral part of our growth strategy.

Our main focus is on reducing CO2 emissions through, among other things: increasing the share of zero-emission vehicles (electric vans and cargo bikes) in last-mile deliveries using low-emission LNG-powered trucks on selected long-haul routes investing in photovoltaic installations on our properties and using renewable energy sources

*GLS‘ zero emissions by 2045 ambition is to reduce 90% of its Scope 1, 2 and 3 CO2e emissions by 2045, while offsetting the remaining 10% residual emissions through investment in certified climate protection projects. A pathway to deliver this reduction will be developed (including the setting of interim carbon reduction targets) and to base this pathway on climate science, in December 2023 GLS committed to set targets in line with the SBTi. GLS is expecting to complete the developing, submitting and approving process in line with the SBTi during the coming financial year.

GLS France CSR initiatives

On the basis of its internal assessment, GLS reports in detail on its current economic, social, environmental and corporate objectives, activities and progress.

DQS ISO Quality certification GLS France commitments

GLS guarantees, monitors and improves quality and sustainability through its pan-European quality and environmental management system. This system has been certified according to ISO 9001:2015 and 14001:2015 by DEKRA, one of the largest and most respected international management system certification bodies. Through its quality management system, GLS complies with strict, internationally recognised standards.

The management systems we have implemented allow us to oversee and continuously improve areas related to quality and the environment.

At GLS, we are committed to a better future. Environmental infographic At GLS, we are committed to a better future. Environmental infographic

Take a look at the photos showing how we do it on a daily basis.

electric van

We install photovoltaic panels on the roofs of our facilities which allows us to significantly reduce consumption of energy from the grid. At 9 locations, we operate facilities with a total capacity of 450 kWp.

electric van in polish mountains

The energy consumption of LED bulbs is over 10 times lower than that of traditional ones. Replacing lighting both inside and outside our facilities allows not only to save energy costs, but also has a direct impact on reducing CO2 emissions.


Electric vans operate on regular routes in more and more cities in Poland. Such vehicles are zero-emission and generate no noise.


75% of energy we use in our facilities comes from renewable sources.

electric vehicles chargers

We are expanding the charging infrastructure for electric cars to increase the number of electric vehicles on our network.

Courier bikes

Designed to serve the centers of cities and Clean Transportation Zones. Today we are using 16 cargo bikes on regular routes in large cities in Poland.

eco bike