How to send a phone by courier?


Sending a phone by courier is a popular way to deliver it to a buyer, service or simply to a loved one.

Thanks to this service, the goods reach the recipient quickly, efficiently and safely. However, in order for the phone to be delivered intact, it is very important to prepare it properly before shipping.

In this case, how to pack the phone for shipment by courier and when is it worth opting for such a solution? You can find out everything in our article.

Shipping phones not only for stores

Sending a phone by courier is a popular way to deliver it to a buyer, service or simply to a loved one. Thanks to this service, the goods reach the recipient quickly, efficiently and safely. However, in order for the phone to be delivered intact, it is very important to prepare it properly before shipping. In this case, how to pack the phone for shipment by courier and when is it worth opting for such a solution? You can find out everything in our article.Shipping phones not only for storesThe shipping of the phone by courier is reached by many people. First of all, these are employees of online electronics stores, who deliver purchased goods to their customers in this way. However, they are not the only ones who use this option. Phone owners often choose courier shipping to safely deliver the device for service or to send it to the store as part of a claim. It's also not uncommon for individuals to sell unused models, using marketplace platforms, in which case it's also necessary to ensure delivery to the buyer, preferably by courier. And what if a child forgets to take his phone with him to a sports camp? The family can always send it quickly by courier. So the situations in which shipping a phone by courier may be needed are quite numerous.

Why send your phone by courier?

Sending a phone by courier is the simplest and also the most effective solution. The courier will deliver the item to the sender quickly, safely and efficiently, and you do not have to worry about anything. The price level of courier services is also attractive. The advantages alone, right? It is also worth knowing that reliable courier companies such as GLS offer various forms of delivery, which make it much easier to receive the package. Sudden change of plans? With us you have the option of redirecting your package to another address or to a Szybka Paczka point. The recipient of your package can pick it up conveniently from a courier or from a designated location at any time, even in the afternoon, evening or weekend. Szybka Paczka Points are located in retail chains and service establishments throughout Poland. There are more than 7,000 of them in total, so you are sure to find one or even several near your place of residence or work.If the shipper is a regular GLS customer, it can provide recipients with the option of delivery as an express service. This means that the recipient will receive the ordered goods as early as the second working day, up to a maximum of 10 a.m. or 12 p.m. The package can also be delivered on Saturday, which is a special convenience for those who care about time.

How to pack a phone for shipment?

Sending the phone by courier is a convenient solution to ensure that the package reaches the recipient intact. However, in order for this to happen, we are first required to properly pack and prepare it for transport. After all, electronics are very sensitive to any shock or moisture, so do not send them in unsecured packaging. Here are some tips on how to properly pack your phone before shipping;

  • The original box - if you still have it, it is worth using it. It is ideally equipped to properly protect your device during shipping. However, if you don't have it, you need a suitable alternative;
  • An extra box - even if you can pack the phone in the original box, be sure to put it in an extra cardboard box with a shipping label on it - such packaging will be required by the courier;
  • Packing the phone in the absence of original packaging - when you do not have the original packaging from the phone, choose a small-sized box to put the device in. Secure it first with a thick layer of bubble wrap and wrap it carefully with tape. Be sure that the phone does not touch any of the walls of the packaging - to do this, line the box with fillers of the appropriate size, so that the phone cannot move freely in the packaging;
  • Protection of other accessories - the phone may come with a charger, headphones, USB cable or other additional items - all of them should also be wrapped in bubble wrap and arranged in the package so that they do not touch each other, and there are fillers in the free spaces;
  • Moisture protection - when sending electronic equipment, protect it from moisture - you can use stretch film for this - wrap the original phone packaging with it before packing it in the destination box - but remember not to wrap the package itself with stretch film, because then its transport with automated equipment may be difficult.


Shipping a phone by courier is really not difficult. The most important element, for which the sender is responsible, is the proper packaging of the item. It is on this, to a large extent, that the safety of the shipment depends. So it is worth taking care of this before shipping, so that the phone safely reaches the recipient intact.
