How to choose a courier for the company ?


Find out how to find the best combination of courier services for your business. GLS offers individual solutions for both large and relatively small volumes of shipments.

The value of the Polish e-commerce market is estimated to be over 100 billion PLN.

According to information from the Central Statistical Office, in December 2021 the share of online sales in total retail sales in Poland was 10.2 percent (in November 2021 it was even 11.4 percent).

Everything indicates that online sales will grow. Among other reasons, because the omnichannel strategy, i.e. combining various sales channels, is gaining importance.

  • E-commerce growth is also supported by the rapid development of convenient forms of digital payment. GLS provides the possibility to pay for the package on delivery with BLIK, which is currently the most popular form of this type of payment.

Which courier for online store?

Online shopping has its own peculiarity: you do not leave the online store with the purchased product. You have to wait for it. Therefore, from the customer's (receiver's) point of view, delivery of the package from the store is the proper finalization of the shopping process. And this means that consumers perceive the courier service as an integral part of online shopping. Stores selling online should be interested in cooperating with such a courier company, which provides the quality of delivery at the level expected by the recipients. E-commerce is governed by its own laws, but it has one thing in common with traditional trade and this will probably not change: the customer should be the most important.

And what do consumers expect? Reliability and speed of delivery are obvious basics. But beyond that, the availability of many different delivery options to choose from is also important. This is an added value for customers.

A great example of such solution is FlexDeliveryService - it enables the recipient to "manually control" the delivery. He can redirect the parcel to e.g. Szybka Paczka, neighbor or to a designated, supposedly safe place (where the courier delivers the parcel without signature). The service also enables to change the delivery date.

  • For e-commerce it is also very important to provide efficient returns service. It is also a specific feature of this segment of commerce. The possibility of return is simply a part of this form of shopping. Various studies clearly show that if customers could easily make a return at the seller, they are more likely to return.
  • Our customers (business partners) benefit from a functional and convenient portal for consumers to handle returns. What is important: our system operates on an international scale as we closely cooperate with other domestic GLS Group companies.
We have proven solutions both in B2B (business-to-business) and B2C (business-to-customer) segments.

  • BusinessParcel is a standard GLS courier service in Poland. Let's add: at standard high level of service. Delivery is usually made on the next working day after the day of dispatch.
  • EuroBusinessParcel - is the equivalent of this service throughout Europe. Depending on the country you want your parcel to go to, delivery is made in 48-96 hours. For example, shipments to Germany, Czech Republic or Austria usually arrive within two days. To the Netherlands, Belgium or Denmark in three days. To France, UK or Italy it's 3-4 days (depending on the specific location).

Explore our full range of parcel shipping services.

We also provide our e-commerce customers with access to an international network of shipping and receiving points. Under the GLS banner it already includes 25 thousand points across Europe, including about 7 thousand in Poland.

We currently operate in over 40 countries in Europe. We also operate on the West Coast of the USA and in Canada. Our services are used by over 250 thousand customers.

Courier shipments for companies

We offer flexible forms of cooperation. It means that we always adjust them individually to the needs of our business partner. The customer is always in the center of attention - this motto invariably guides us!

Therefore, every day you can count on us for open communication, the availability of our employees and managers when you need them, and transparency in relations. We consistently rely on cooperation based on mutual trust. Relationships with clients are often built over years.

Flexibility is also key for us! We recognize that our partners operate at different scales, in different industries and with different business models.

  • We work with shippers who regularly send large numbers of parcels - we guarantee efficient and reliable handling of large and very large shipment volumes.
  • We have also developed attractive offers for shippers sending small volumes, e.g. several dozen packages a week - thanks to cooperation with GLS even smaller online stores can ensure high quality of deliveries to their customers.

It is often said about such solutions that they are tailor-made. You can put it that way, but what matters in practice is that we plan cooperation with our customers for the long term so that they can achieve their business goals with us. We are a stable support in the field of external logistics, which is a strategically important area.

Courier for business

Explore the capabilities of the shipping systems we provide to our customers. They can be easily integrated into your own system, handle any volume and are very effective for your daily shipping management needs.

  • ADE-Plus is a web-based application to manage your shipping process.
  • GLSI is an application for customers who manage warehouses as part of their business.
  • On this page you will find detailed information about these systems.

B2B courier still important

Volumes of shipments from online stores to individual customers are growing at a dizzying pace. This is a hot topic, and the question - which courier to use for your online store - is asked very often these days.

However, on a daily basis, a very important part of our business was and still is the B2B segment. Here, too, we focus on high quality service, for which GLS has been known for years. To sum up briefly: our domain is courier services for companies regardless of what industry they operate in and to whom they direct their shipments.

Business Courier. Find out what we can offer you

Fill in the contact form - you will be contacted by our experts and offered a combination of services best suited to the needs and scale of your business.
