
If recipients wish to return goods they can take the parcel, with a ShopReturn-label, to a GLS Parcel Shop in Europe*. GLS will return it to the sender.

Senders include a GLS return label with the goods or e-mail it as a PDF file to the recipient if requested. Recipients simply stick the label onto the parcels and take them to the GLS Parcel Shop in Europe of their choice.

In case the recipient has no (working) printer it is possible to provide the parcel with a handwritten address and special ShopReturn-code.

Convenient: Recipients receive a receipt with a QR-code when handing the parcel over. It can be used to track the parcel – anytime, anywhere. Returning parcels to the sender is free of charge for the recipient. Only if a parcel is actually returned, the sender will be invoiced for the service.

  • A convenient returns solution for recipients
  • Return to the sender throughout the Netherlands within two working days
  • Real-time Track & Trace
  • QR-code for mobile tracking for recipients
  • Senders are only charged if a parcel is actually returned

*Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland & United Kingdom