
GLS has introduced a group-wide programme to systematically recognise and avoid compliance risks. It has been developed to protect the GLS Group and its employees. It is also designed to ensure cooperation with business partners based on trust, now and in the future.

GLS focuses in particular on the following:

Competition law
Anti-corruption policy
Compliance with economic sanctions
Prevention of money laundering
Combatting forced labour, slavery and trafficking in human beings

The cornerstone of the compliance system is a comprehensive training concept for employees, because compliance starts with them. The Compliance Managers in the individual countries, the Group's central department Compliance and Internal Revision are the main advisory and assessment bodies for the three-stage concept. The compliance concept follows a uniform structure for all GLS companies, which is adapted to special country-specific features if necessary.

The trust GLS receives from customers, employees, business partners and the public is a top priority for the GLS Group. To further strengthen this trust, the GLS Group has assigned itself a Code of Business Standards that establishes the fundamental values and standards of behaviour of the company in binding form for all employees. The GLS Code of Business Standards forms the basis of all business decisions and regulates responsible interaction with all stakeholders.

GLS expects its suppliers to observe the standards as described in this Supplier Code of Conduct, to implement them by taking appropriate measures and to apply them in their business activities.

The GLS Group provides reliable and high-quality parcel services. In order to continue to guarantee this, the conservation of resources and the reduction of our emissions are of central importance to us. Together with our employees, customers and suppliers, we want to become one of the leading providers of sustainable parcel services. The Environmental Standard is binding for all GLS national companies.


All GLS staff bears responsibility for GLS living up to its principles; quite often, it is the misconduct of just a few that badly reflects on the reputation of a business as a whole. Hence, it is crucial for GLS to get notified of potential misconduct of its staff, its suppliers or third parties as early as possible so that we can quickly act on it and efficiently remedy the situation.