Delivery and possible options

GLS offers senders a wide range of delivery options GLS offers senders a wide range of delivery options

Fast and reliable: everyone wants service to have these characteristics. And that's precisely how GLS wants to deliver its customers' shipments.
GLS offers senders a wide range of delivery options. Check with the person or company that has requested the shipment which type of delivery is best suited to your needs.

With some supplementary services for example, you have the option of knowing when your shipment is about to arrive, so that you can organise yourself in such a way that someone is able to collect it.

The shipping number is particularly important: you only access the information you need if you have it. This number is provided to you by the sender upon sending your shipment.
You can check the status of your shipment online, or by contacting GLS customer service.

If the shipment cannot be delivered to the specified address, the driver leaves a note informing the recipient of the first and second attempts. This document, which is called the "attempted delivery note", contains key information such as the shipment number and the contact details of the relevant GLS Depot.

It is possible for the recipient to add an electronic signature, via QR code, in complete security without any contact.

Make your deliveries safer with Contactless!

The GLS courier makes a first and a second delivery attempt for each shipment. In the event that even on the second attempt the recipient is absent, the shipment will be kept in storage at the local GLS Depot.
If the delivery is combined with the E-comService, after the first passage of our courier, you will receive an email with a link through which to book the return.

If the sender requests it, you have the option of collecting your shipment at your local GLS Depot by presenting an identity document and the GLS shipping number. Our Depots are open from Monday to Friday, from 8.30 to 13.00 and from 14.30 to 18.30, and on Saturday from 8.30 to 12.00.

Delivery by 12.00

If you need your shipment to be delivered before 12.00, you can agree with the sender to use the Express12Service, checking if your home is covered by the service. This way you can organise your commitments and receive delivery conveniently at home.

Do you want to reach your customers on Saturday too?
With SaturdayExpressService GLS delivers to companies, shops and individuals also on Saturday, in all provincial capitals.

The sender can ask GLS to deliver the shipment only after you have entered a PIN on the driver's handheld device. The delivery is therefore tied to the knowledge of the PIN code that the sender must communicate to you.
With IdentPINService, deliveries are even more secure.

Receive shipping information directly on your mobile phone or in your e-mail inbox. Check with the sender the possibility of combining this convenient service with your delivery.

How does FlexDeliveryService work? The recipient is constantly updated on the progress of the shipment. Through a link sent via email or sms, he can access a management area, both before and after the first failed delivery attempt, where he can choose up to six customization options.