Join the GLS Parcel Shop network

Private customer collecting a parcel at a GLS parcel shop Private customer collecting a parcel at a GLS parcel shop

If you have an easily accessible shop with favourable opening hours, sufficient staff and depot capacity,
apply to become a GLS Parcel Shop operator today.

You can acquire new customers

As a member of the GLS Parcel Shop network, the number of potential customers and the turnover of the shop will increase. Due to changed shopping habits, it is beneficial to enable customers to take care of more than one task at the same time in one shop. Expand the range of your services and boost your revenue.

Marketing outreach

The GLS Parcel Shop has an online presence (Facebook, YouTube, Google Ads) the whole year around. Our website has more than 40,000 visitors a day. GLS provides you with the necessary advertising toolkit, including shop window stickers, flyers, banners, etc.

Additional revenue source

GLS pays a fee after each dispatched and collected parcel. As you become increasingly known as a GLS Parcel Shop, your revenue is also set to increase exponentially.

Distinguish yourself from your competitors

As a GLS Parcel Shop, it is enough to master a simple process to make your business stand out. The workflow requires only 1-3 minutes of administration per parcel. Take advantage of this opportunity, exploit the benefits!

Apply to become a GLS Parcel Shop operator today

We will contact you within a few working days after you complete the application form. Join this opportunity! The first GLS Parcel Shop has been in operation for more than 13 years.