
In case that your parcel is damaged or lost, please fill out the appropriate report.

GLS complaints, claims GLS complaints, claims

The damage and loss ratio of GLS is consistently at a very low level, because GLS sets great store by reliability.
If you, nevertheless are not satisfied with our service, please let us know. This will also help us to further improve our service quality.

In order to investigate your complaint as quickly as possible, please always provide the parcel number.

- Damaged parcel or
- Damaged content or
- Reporting claims

- report parcels without status
- report lost parcels
- Parcel search request

- Amount of cash on delivery
- Reporting claims on cash on delivery collection
- Report a post-collection request


- GLS account content or
- formal objection
- reporting invoiced service or
- Reporting a complaint regarding invoiced prices

- Data management issues,
- Privacy inconsistencies or
- Report data management issues

- Providing services
- Complaints about the person providing the service
- Complaints not related to parcel delivery


Useful information sending a parcel.

At a glance and at first hand: Find the latest news, customer information and reports about GLS in Hungary.

If you could not find the right one of the options above, please call or email us.