Find out when your parcel will be delivered.

Here you can find the GLS location nearest to you.

Here you can have your parcels delivered to or you can send a parcel from one of our many parcel shops across our network.

Delivery driver carrying a GLS parcel

GLS Group offers parcel, logistics and express services, throughout Europe as well as in the US and in Canada. Our high-quality delivery services are dedicated to companies and individuals, with our main focus on the B2B and B2C parcel sector.

GLS van driving past a field of tulips

GLS Group is fully aware of its responsibility to the environment and to society. GLS understands sustainability as a holistic concept – including ecological as well as social and economic aspects.

GLS employees

Our employees are our potential. Our potential is you. Discover a wide variety of jobs from accounting to sales, from IT to parcel handling, both at the GLS Head Office and in the various GLS subsidiaries.