SmartCollect is your new digital warehouse management system for an optimized parcel shop from day one

Do you have half-empty shelves in the parcel shop but still have parcels on the floor? With SmartCollect, you don't need to divide shelves by parcel distributor or parcel number. The digital inventory management system gives you the freedom to place parcels wherever you want for optimized shelf space. Are you suddenly overwhelmed with parcels? Then you can easily expand capacity by creating extra spaces in a temporary location in the store with the scalable setup.

And when you need to deliver the parcel, SmartCollect tells you exactly where to find it. This saves time for the customer - and for you. Now that's Smart!

It's that Smart


You have the option to connect a customer device in the form of the SmartCollect stand with a screen that meets your customers in the store. Here they can enter the last 4 digits of the parcel number - regardless of the parcel distributor.

On the storage device, you receive a notification so you already have the parcel in your hand the first time you meet your customers at the counter. No more long queues at the parcel shop.

It's fast, efficient and Smart!