We support social projects

... because we care about perople.

We are commited to various projects for people who are in need of help. The regional and local campaigns that we support include free parcel transport or support for organisations and institutions. On a local level, support is often given to clubs, kindergartens, schools, hospitals and hospices.

Appreciation, respect and understanding are among our most important principles of cooperation.

The trainees at the GLS head office in Neuenstein had a great idea for a better environment. Together with some of their trainers, they set up a rubbish collection campaign and collected rubbish from various places in the Neuenstein community one afternoon.

We are pleased about so much commitment and passion in the sense of sustainability and were happy to give the trainees time off from work that afternoon.

Thanks for this great action!

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GLS supports the Hamburg "Bio Brotbox" campaign

For many years, the GLS depots in Hamburg and Tornesch have supported the Hamburg "Bio Brotbox" campaign. This year we delivered around 16,000 boxes in 300 packages to Hamburg's schools. Thousands of children were happy to receive a healthy breakfast in cool, reusable boxes.

The day before, colleagues from the two depots supported the packing campaign, where the boxes were filled with the delicious ingredients by volunteers and loaded into the GLS delivery vehicles.

GLS donation fire in Neuenstein-Aua

A family from Neuenstein-Aua lost their home in a tragic fire. As a company that has been based in Neuenstein for more than 30 years and has close ties with the township, it was a matter close to our hearts to help out here.

We would like to thank the "Kirchenkreisamt Bad Hersfeld" for the donation initiative that was specially set up and support the affected family with a donation of 2,000 euros.

In the GLS Donation Contest, sports clubs from our region could apply for a donation.

Congratulations to the winners!

GLS donation for VFFN

The first prize went to the "Verein zur Förderung des Fußballsports" VFFN 2003 e.V., Neuenstein. At the symbolic handover of the donation at the GLS head office, (from left) Sabrina Arnold, Marcus Schäfer and Reiner Emmerich celebrated GLS' support of 2,500 euros together with Patricia Bickel. VFFN intends to invest the money primarily in supporting children and young people.

TV Mansbach guard dance group

The "Mansbacher Turnverein Jahn 1913 e.V." won the second prize of 1,500 euros. The donation was used to purchase new costumes in the club's colours for the two dance groups "Elfengarde" and "Rubingarde".

The third winner of the GLS donation contest was "TSV Kerspenhausen", which received a donation of 1,000 euros.

We support young professionals

We support the development of young employees with a sound and practically relevant training programme. In Germany, for example, we are training CEP professionals, IT professionals, office communication professionals and IT system integration experts.

A dual study course in logistics management and business informatics is offered in conjunction with universities of applied science. The professional development portfolio is rounded off with an in-house business management programme.

People of different ethnic origin, culture or religion work at and for GLS. Appreciation, respect and understanding in dealing with employees and partners are among the important principles. Thus, personnel development and intensive exchange with transport partners are among the most important building blocks in our company's sustained success.

Start your career in logistics here

Young man packing a parcel in front of a shelf with garden gnomes Young man packing a parcel in front of a shelf with garden gnomes

For the people of today and tomorrow

Diversity and inclusion are key principles at GLS Group. We know that success for ourcompany depends on the people working for GLS. This is independent of their race, gender,age, sexual orientation or any other characteristics protected by law. It is not only our ethicalresponsibility to promote a diverse and inclusive company culture, but also an essentialelement of the company we want to be.

In order to fully support a diverse and inclusive working environment and achieve sustainableimpact, we as GLS Group strive to achieve to the following:

Inclusive work environment

To create an inclusive work environment in which our employees feel valued for theircontributions, are respected and treated fairly, and have a sense of belonging

Equal opportunities

To provide equal opportunities for all employees, including access to trainings, developmentand growth opportunities and advancements


To recruit open-minded applicants of all races, gender, ages, sexual orientations and anyother characteristics


To collaborate with a diverse range of partners to fuel our innovation and connect closer tothe communities around us


In the Best-Recruiters study of the "career Institut & Verlag", GLS Germany was awarded as winner in the service industry. Among the companies tested, we took first place again and received the Best-Recruiters seal in gold.

kununu TOP COMPANY seal for GLS

The leading employer rating platform has awarded GLS Germany with its TOP COMPANY seal for a high level of employee satisfaction. This status can only be achieved through good employee ratings.
Only 6 percent of the approximately 1 million companies assessed qualified for this seal. Compared with our competitors, we scored best in terms of both points and recommendations.

GLS is member of "Erfolgsfaktor Familie"

As a family-friendly company we are a member of the "Erfolgsfaktor Familie" network, committed to helping employees combine family and career. For this purpose, we offer, for example, individual part-time models, kindergarten subsidies or the possibility of home office.

Would you like to learn more about how we bring the "Erfolgskator Familie" to life at GLS? Take a look at our video (in German language).

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With GLS, you ship your parcels sustainably through a balanced carbon footprint by compensation of greenhouse gas emissions through climate protection projects.

We are fully aware of our special responsibility to the environment and to society - and we do a lot for it.

With our sponsorships, we are primarily committed to promoting popular sport in Germany.