We support social projects
... because we care about perople.
We are commited to various projects for people who are in need of help. The regional and local campaigns that we support include free parcel transport or support for organisations and institutions. On a local level, support is often given to clubs, kindergartens, schools, hospitals and hospices.
Appreciation, respect and understanding are among our most important principles of cooperation.

A family from Neuenstein-Aua lost their home in a tragic fire. As a company that has been based in Neuenstein for more than 30 years and has close ties with the township, it was a matter close to our hearts to help out here.
We would like to thank the "Kirchenkreisamt Bad Hersfeld" for the donation initiative that was specially set up and support the affected family with a donation of 2,000 euros.
In the GLS Donation Contest, sports clubs from our region could apply for a donation.
Congratulations to the winners!
We support young professionals
We support the development of young employees with a sound and practically relevant training programme. In Germany, for example, we are training CEP professionals, IT professionals, office communication professionals and IT system integration experts.
A dual study course in logistics management and business informatics is offered in conjunction with universities of applied science. The professional development portfolio is rounded off with an in-house business management programme.
People of different ethnic origin, culture or religion work at and for GLS. Appreciation, respect and understanding in dealing with employees and partners are among the important principles. Thus, personnel development and intensive exchange with transport partners are among the most important building blocks in our company's sustained success.
Inclusive work environment
To create an inclusive work environment in which our employees feel valued for theircontributions, are respected and treated fairly, and have a sense of belonging
Equal opportunities
To provide equal opportunities for all employees, including access to trainings, developmentand growth opportunities and advancements
To recruit open-minded applicants of all races, gender, ages, sexual orientations and anyother characteristics
To collaborate with a diverse range of partners to fuel our innovation and connect closer tothe communities around us