National parcel transport

The standard delivery time is on next business day following the dispatch, including deliveries in distant areas. GLS also offers a special solution for sending of small and fragile parcels with separate sorting and transport in special containers that provide an additional protection for sensitive goods.

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  • Short delivery times
  • Green parcel transport
  • Online parcel tracking
  • Automatic insurance up to 20.000 CZK per parcel

Advantages of BusinessParcel

  • Delivery on next business day
  • Increased safety of small and fragile goods
  • Automated insurance of parcel at CZK 20.000 included in price
  • Parcel tracking in real time via our Track&Trace solution
  • Digitalized confirmation on delivery with recipient's signature available on-line
  • Two delivery attempts for parcel delivery to private recipient included in price
  • When combined with FlexDeliveryService, it is possible for the recipient to set delivery parameters

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Possible combinations with complementary services


Additional lump-sum insurance to the automatically arranged insurance.

DeclaredValueInsurance Service

Additional one-off insurance to the automatically arranged insurance.


At the same time, GLS delivers the parcel to the customer and at the same time picks up the parcel for return to the sender.


With this service, GLS reduces its emissions and carbon footprint.


GLS informs in advance about the delivery time and offers a wide range of delivery options.


Parcel delivery with the option of paying for the parcel cash on delivery or by credit card.


The recipient chooses to have the parcel delivered directly to the selected GLS pick-up point during the process of creating an order in the e-shop.


GLS guarantees delivery of the parcel anywhere in the Czech Republic by 5:00 p.m. on the next working day.


GLS picks up the parcel at any address in the Czech Republic and delivers it the next working day to any other address.


GLS picks up the parcel at any address in the Czech Republic and delivers it back to the customer the next working day.