Express delivery of urgent parcels

GLS provides express delivery of goods with its ExpressParcel. Increased safety of small packages is ensured by separate sorting and transport using special bags and boxes.

Get a price offer

  • Delivery before 12:00 the next working day
  • Green parcel transport
  • Online parcel tracking
  • Automatic incurance up to 20.000 CZK per parcel

Advantages of ExpressParcel

  • Delivery on next business day before noon
  • Increased safety of small and fragile goods
  • Guarantee of money return
  • Parcel tracking in real time by Track&Trace
  • Digitalized confirmation on delivery with recipient´s signature available on-line
  • Second delivery attempt on next business day
  • Possible combitaion with additional services for cash on delivery payment or notification via SMS and e-mail

Possible combinations with complementary services


GLS informs in advance about the delivery time and offers a wide range of delivery options.


Parcel delivery with the option of paying for the parcel cash on delivery or by credit card.


At the same time, GLS delivers the parcel to the customer and at the same time picks up the parcel for return to the sender.


With this service, GLS reduces its emissions and carbon footprint.


Additional lump-sum insurance to the automatically arranged insurance.

DeclaredValueInsurance Service

Additional one-off insurance to the automatically arranged insurance.