Delivery process

To an address or to a wide network of GLS Points and GLS Parcel Boxes. GLS offers parcel delivery for every recipient.

1. Home delivery

In most cases, the parcel is delivered to the recipient in person. With the signature, the recipient confirms to have successfully received the parcel, and that the parcel shows no signs of damage. Another person in the recipient's household can take over the parcel. In any case, GLS always records the name of the receiving person.

GLS contacts the recipient and agrees a delivery alternative on the same day. The recipient can ask for the parcel to be deposited at nearest GLS Pick-up point or with a neighbour. GLS asks the recipient's neighbours whether they are willing to hold the parcel. Following the deposit, the recipient is informed of the pick-up points address or the name of the neighbour who is holding the parcel via message.

Provided the parcel cannot be delivered to a given delivery address, the courier leaves a delivery notification. The notification is put into the mail box, or if not available, left on the entry door. The notification contains the parcel number, reasons of failed delivery, site of depositing and GLS contact. A parcel that cannot be deposited at a Pick-up point or at a neighbor is brought back to the regional depot, and GLS performs a second or third delivery attempt in next business days.

If the parcel has failed to be delivered, GLS will make another delivery attempt within the next 5 working days. The recipient can choose from several options for the next delivery attempt. If no option is selected, GLS will automatically make another delivery attempt at the original address. If the second delivery attempt is not successful and the recipient cannot be contacted or an alternative solution can be found, the package is returned to the sender.

Delivery notification during Home delivery

1. Parcel handover

The moment the package is handed over to GLS (picked up by courier or dropped off at the drop-off point), the recipient will receive the first message informing them that the package will be delivered the next business day.

2. Delivery window

The package is located at the delivery depot where the courier loads it onto the delivery truck. The recipient receives a message in the morning with a two-hour time window for delivery.

3. Informing about the next steps

If the first delivery attempt is unsuccessful, the recipient receives a link to the online application Delivery manager, where he can conveniently and free of charge set the parameters for the next delivery of the package.

2. Delivery to pick-up points

Direct delivery to a GLS pick-up points can be selected during the order creation process on the e-shop. The GLS network of delivery points in the Czech Republic consists of GLS Parcel Shops, GLS Parcel Box self-service parcel machines and partner AlzaBoxes.

GLS pick-up points are suitable for packages with a maximum weight of 20 kg and a length of 100 cm for GLS Parcel Shops and 55 cm for GLS Parcel Boxes. The storage time in GLS Parcel Shops is 5 working days, in GLS Parcel Boxes and AlzaBoxes 3 calendar days.

Delivering a parcel to a GLS drop-off point can also be done by redirecting the parcel to the address during transit.

Upon delivery to the drop-off point, the recipient will receive a text message and an email with a PIN code to pick up the package.

  • GLS Parcel Shop: up to 5 working days
  • GLS Parcel Box: up to 3 calendar days
  • AlzaBox: up to 3 calendar days
If the recipient is unable to collect the parcel within the time limit, they can request an extension of the storage time by calling 567 771 111 or

  • GLS Parcel Shop: cash, credit card, online via GoPay
  • GLS Parcel Box: by credit card, online via GoPay
  • AlzaBox: online via GoPay

GLS sends a reminder SMS with information about the expiry of the time limit, after which the package will be returned to the sender.

Delivery notification during delivery to pick-up points

1. Parcel handover

The moment the package is handed over to GLS (picked up by courier or dropped off at the drop-off point), the recipient will receive the first message informing them that the package will be delivered the next business day.

2. PIN code sending

The moment the package is delivered to the selected drop-off point, the recipient will receive an SMS and an email with the address of the drop-off point, PIN code and instructions for picking up the package.

3. Reminder in case of non-collection

If the package is not collected at the end of the storage period, the recipient will receive a text message as a reminder of the unclaimed package. If the parcel is not collected even after this reminder, it will be returned to the sender.

Options for recipients

Undelivered or damaged parcel

The rate of undelivered and damaged shipments is very low due to reliable processes. If the recipient did not receive the parcel, the following procedure is recommended:

  • Check SMS and email messages
  • Find the parcel status online
  • Contact GLS customer service

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