GLS partners programme

The GLS company is committed to its sustainable and long-term cooperation with transport partners and to its provision of high-quality logistics services.

GLS permanently develops its technologies and optimizes its processes and network thus simplifying daily work of its colleagues. For its shipping partners GLS is a guarantee of trusted contractual partner. The partners manage their own companies - with all related advantages and all necessary responsibility. The partners are focused, together with GLS, on their progress and future.

GLS and its shipping partners in the Czech Republic discuss several times per year in order to improve and simplify their cooperation. The goal is:

Optimization of work processes
Collecting suggestions for improvement
Identifying possible problems for carriers and couriers and finding solutions
Obtaining feedback and evaluation of achieved results

The quality of parcel delivery systems depends on exact scheduling, coordination and harmonization of operational processes and IT systems. GLS permanently improves its system, in cooperation with its shipping partners.

Recently completed projects include the equipment of couriers with new hand scanners and electronic lists for better planning of individual stops of the delivery line. The service FlexDeliveryService has its important role in processes optimization. With this service the recipients can opt for six various ways of delivery before and during the delivery and thus to reduce the number of failed delivery attempts.

All depots in GLS network in the Czech Republic are regularly supported by the central office and their parcel processing processes are regularly optimized for the purpose of their maximum efficiency.

GLS truck en route to depot

GLS Czech Republic, in cooperation with its shipping partners and couriers, follows basic principles that are clearly summarized and described in the Partner's codex GLS (in Czech) for parcel shipping. This codex also presents guidelines in accordance with valid regulations and acts, refusal of discrimination, bribery, corruption and other acts that violate the GLS principles.

GLS Partner's codex is an integral part of contract conclusions between GLS and shipping partners. It defines the commitment to quality of provided services and rules for mutual negotiations based on:

  • Partnership
  • Honesty
  • Responsibility

The company GLS reviews the compliance with this Partner's codex and calls all contractors, subcontractors and their employees to immediately report any violation of the codex principles.

For this purpose it nominated its neutral regional ombudsman whom they can anonymously address in case of a suspicion of any violation of this codex or the law.


GLS and its shipping partners in the Czech Republic discuss several times per year in order to improve and simplify their cooperation. The goal is:

Optimization of work processes
Collecting suggestions for improvement
Identifying possible problems for carriers and couriers and finding solutions
Obtaining feedback and evaluation of achieved results

The quality of parcel delivery systems depends on exact scheduling, coordination and harmonization of operational processes and IT systems. GLS permanently improves its system, in cooperation with its shipping partners.

Recently completed projects include the equipment of couriers with new hand scanners and electronic lists for better planning of individual stops of the delivery line. The service FlexDeliveryService has its important role in processes optimization. With this service the recipients can opt for six various ways of delivery before and during the delivery and thus to reduce the number of failed delivery attempts.

All depots in GLS network in the Czech Republic are regularly supported by the central office and their parcel processing processes are regularly optimized for the purpose of their maximum efficiency.

GLS truck en route to depot

GLS Czech Republic, in cooperation with its shipping partners and couriers, follows basic principles that are clearly summarized and described in the Partner's codex GLS (in Czech) for parcel shipping. This codex also presents guidelines in accordance with valid regulations and acts, refusal of discrimination, bribery, corruption and other acts that violate the GLS principles.

GLS Partner's codex is an integral part of contract conclusions between GLS and shipping partners. It defines the commitment to quality of provided services and rules for mutual negotiations based on:

  • Partnership
  • Honesty
  • Responsibility

The company GLS reviews the compliance with this Partner's codex and calls all contractors, subcontractors and their employees to immediately report any violation of the codex principles.

For this purpose it nominated its neutral regional ombudsman whom they can anonymously address in case of a suspicion of any violation of this codex or the law.


GLS parcel delivery driver standing on a street

Find out more about GLS responsibility towards drivers and transport partners. Partner codex is available for free for download right here.